Næste: 8 april 09:30 - 10:30

Let's meet: International Café

To kvinder og en mand, der drikker kaffe sammen. De sidder med hver sin kop og griner sammen.
Connect with other expats at the International Café.
Næste: 8 april 09:30 - 10:30
Pr. person: Gratis
Solrød Bibliotek og Kulturhus

Solrød Center 4
2680 Solrød

Kommende arrangementer

Let's meet: International Café

Let's meet: International Café

Let's meet: International Café

Dear expat residents and Danes with expat experience. Please join and gather for hygge at Solrød's
International Café. We will meet each other over a cup of coffee or tea to exchange stories and connect every second Tuesday of the month.

The aim is to create an ‘international-vibe’ and a supportive and positive group of people. Even though you might be far away from your family, we at least have each other right? I hope to see you there.

For more information please contact Daniëlle at togettherecoaching@icloud.com.


Do It Together: DIT Bibliotek og Kulturhus

This event is a part of Do It Together, where citizens can organise events and activities at Solrød Bibliotek og Kulturhus. You can read more about Do It Together here (in Danish).