Learning Danish

View our language courses, our easy to read resources in Danish, or the resources we offer in English.

Easy to read books and news in Danish

Easy to read books at the library

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At the library, you can lend easy to read books for adults and teenagers. The books are written in Danish, but use less complicated grammar and fewer complex words. Some books also include a cd, for reading along while listening.

View our selection of easy to read books.


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You can also find easy to read books at eReolen. The books are written in Danish, but use less complicated grammar and fewer complex words. You can read them on your computer, or download the app for your phone or tablet.

View the selection of easy to read books at eReolen.

Avisen Ligetil

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Avisen Ligetil is a news platform that publishes easy to read news articles. The articles are written in Danish, but use less complicated grammar and fewer complex words. The articles feature on-site explanations in Danish for complex words. You can also get the news read aloud in Danish by pressing "Læs op" at the start of an article. The news are written by Ritzau and is published on Danmarks Radio (DR). 

Read the news on Avisen Ligetil.

Our resources in English

Language courses

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Learn Danish (or another language) using our digital library resources. 

View our language courses.

Read books, magazines, news and more in English online

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Our digital library has multiple free resources for reading newspapers, magazines, educational content, and more in English online. 

View all of our resources in English.

Books in English at the library

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The library offers many books in English. You can read them during a visit, or lend them on our website.

View the books we offer in English.